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simulate_traces() provides a list of type traces_dm_list, containing arrays of type traces_dm. The respective classes were created to ensure convenient plotting and printing, but they are not really necessary. If users want to create their own figures or access the values of the simulated traces, the data types can even mask the underlying properties.

The goal of unpack_traces() is to provide a convenient way to strip away the attributes of traces_dm_list and traces_dm objects.


unpack_traces(object, ...)

# S3 method for class 'traces_dm'
unpack_traces(object, ..., unpack = TRUE)

# S3 method for class 'traces_dm_list'
unpack_traces(object, ..., unpack = TRUE, conds = NULL)



an object of type drift_dm or fits_ids_dm (see load_fits_ids)


further arguments passed on to the respective method.


logical, indicating if the traces_dm objects shall be unpacked. Default is TRUE.


optional character, indicating specific condition(s). The default NULL will lead to conds = conds(object). Thus, per default all conditions are accessed.


For traces_dm_list, the returned value is a list, if conds specifies more than one condition. For example, if conds = c("foo", "bar"), then the returned value is a list with the two (named) entries "foo" and "bar". If the returned list would only have one entry (either because the traces_dm_list has only one condition, see conds, or because a user explicitly requested only one condition), then the underlying array or traces_dm object is returned directly.

For traces_dm, unpack_traces() returns an array with the traces, if unpack=TRUE. If unpack=FALSE, the unmodified object is returned.


unpack_traces() is a generic function to strip away the "unnecessary" information of traces_dm_list and traces_dm objects. These objects are created when calling simulate_traces().

For traces_dm_list, unpack_traces() returns the requested conditions (see the argument conds). The result contains objects of type traces_dm if unpack = FALSE. For unpack = TRUE, the result contains the plain arrays with the traces.


# get a pre-built model to demonstrate the function
my_model <- dmc_dm()
# get some traces ...
some_traces <- simulate_traces(my_model, k = 2, seed = 1)
# and then unpack them to get the underlying arrays
#> List of 2
#>  $ comp  : num [1:2, 1:3001] 0 0 -0.00901 0.02302 0.00726 ...
#>  $ incomp: num [1:2, 1:3001] 0 0 -0.0714 0.0194 -0.0749 ...