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Functions to carry out the "instructions" on how to modify a flex_prms object, specified as a string.


modify_flex_prms(object, instr, ...)

# S3 method for class 'drift_dm'
modify_flex_prms(object, instr, ..., eval_model = FALSE)

# S3 method for class 'flex_prms'
modify_flex_prms(object, instr, ..., messaging = NULL)



an object of type drift_dm or flex_prms.


a character string, specifying a set of instructions (see Details).


further arguments passed forward to the respective method.


logical, indicating if the model should be re-evaluated or not when updating modifying the flex_prms object (see re_evaluate_model). Default is FALSE.


logical, indicating if messages shall be ushered or not. Can happen, for example, when setting a parameter value for a specific condition, although the parameter values are assumed to be the identical across conditions.


For drift_dm objects, the updated drift_dm object.

For flex_prms, the updated flex_prms object.


modify_flex_prms is a generic function. The default methods pass forward a set of "instructions" to modify the (underlying) flex_prms object.

These instructions are inspired by the model syntax of the lavaan package. Note that specifying multiple instructions is possible, but each instruction has to be defined in its own line. Comments with '#' are possible, also line continuations are possible, if the last symbol is a "+","-", "*", "/", "(", or "[". The following instructions are implemented:

The "vary" instruction:

  • Looks something like "a ~ foo + bar"

  • This means that the parameter 'a' is allowed to vary independently for the conditions 'foo' and 'bar'

  • Thus, when estimating the model, the user will have independent values for 'a' in conditions 'foo' and 'bar'

The "restrain" instruction:

  • Looks something like "a ~! foo + bar "

  • This means that the parameter 'a' is assumed to be identical for the conditions 'foo' and 'bar'

  • Thus, when estimating the model, the user will have only a single value for 'a' in conditions 'foo' and 'bar'

The "set" instruction:

  • Users may not always estimate a model directly but rather explore the model behavior. In this case setting the value of a parameter is necessary.

  • The corresponding instruction looks something like "a ~ foo => 0.3"

  • This will set the value for 'a' in condition 'foo' to the value of 0.3

The "fix" instruction:

  • Oftentimes, certain parameters of a model are considered "fixed", so that they don't vary while the remaining parameters are estimated. An example would be the shape parameter 'a' of DMC (see dmc_dm).

  • The corresponding instruction looks something like "a <!> foo + bar"

  • Usually, users want to call the "set" instruction prior or after the "fix" instruction, to set the corresponding parameter to a certain value.

The "special dependency" instruction:

  • Sometimes, users wish to allow one parameter to depend on another. For instance, in DMC (see dmc_dm), the parameter A is positive in the congruent condition, but negative in the incongruent condition. Thus, parameters may have a 'special depencency' which can be expressed as an equation.

  • To define a special dependency, users can use the operation "==". The parameter that should have the dependency is on the left-hand side, while the mathematical relationship to other parameters is defined on the right-hand side.

  • This then looks something like "a ~ foo == -(a ~ bar)".

  • This means that the parameter a in condition foo will always be -1 * the parameter a in condition bar. Thus, if a in condition bar has the value 5, then a in condition foo will be -5.

  • The expression on the right-side can refer to any arbitrary mathematical relation.

  • Important: Make sure that each 'parameter ~ condition' combination are set in brackets.

  • Another example: Parameter a in condition foo should be the mean of the parameter b in conditions bar and baz; this would be the instruction "a ~ foo == 0.5*(b ~ bar) + 0.5*(b ~ baz)"

The "additional/custom parameter combination" instruction:

  • Sometimes, users may wish to combine multiple parameters to summarize a certain property of the model. For example, in DMC (see dmc_dm), the shape and rate parameter jointly determine the peak latency.

  • To avoid to manually calculate this, users can define "custom" parameter combinations with the ":=" operation:

  • An examplary instruction might look like this: "peak_l := (a - 2) * tau"

  • Expressions and values that provide calculations for those parameters are stored in a separate list cust_prms.

See also


# Example 1: Modify a flex_prms object  directly ---------------------------
# create an auxiliary flex_prms object
a_flex_prms_obj <- flex_prms(
  c(muc = 3, b = 0.5, non_dec = 0.3),
  conds = c("foo", "bar")

# then carry out some "instructions". Here (arbitrary operations):
# 1.) Consider b as fixed
# 2.) Let muc vary independently for the conditions foo and bar
# 3.) Set non_dec in condition bar to be half as large as non_dec in
#     condition bar
instr <-
  "b <!>
 muc ~
 non_dec ~ bar == (non_dec ~ foo) / 2
modify_flex_prms(object = a_flex_prms_obj, instr = instr)
#> Current Parameter Matrix:
#>     muc   b non_dec
#> foo   3 0.5    0.30
#> bar   3 0.5    0.15
#> Unique Parameters:
#>     muc b non_dec
#> foo 1   0 3      
#> bar 2   0 d      
#> Special Dependencies:
#> non_dec ~ bar == (non_dec ~ foo)/2

# Example 2: Modify a flex_prms object stored inside a drift_dm object -----
a_model <- ratcliff_dm() # get a model for demonstration purpose
modify_flex_prms(object = a_model, instr = "muc ~ => 4")
#> Class(es): ratcliff_dm, drift_dm
#> Current Parameter Matrix:
#>      muc   b non_dec
#> null   4 0.6     0.3
#> Unique Parameters:
#>      muc b non_dec
#> null   1 2       3
#> Deriving PDFs:
#>   solver: kfe
#>   values: sigma=1, t_max=3, dt=0.001, dx=0.001, nt=3000, nx=2000
#> Observed Data: NULL