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This function simulates data based on the provided model. To this end, random samples from the predicted PDFs are drawn via approximate inverse CDF sampling.


simulate_data(object, ...)

# S3 method for class 'drift_dm'
  k = 1,
  lower = NULL,
  upper = NULL,
  df_prms = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  verbose = 1



an object inheriting from drift_dm.


further arguments passed on to other functions, including the function simulate_values. If users want to use a different distribution than uniform for simulate_values, they must provide the additional arguments (e.g., means and sds) in a format like lower/upper.


numeric, the number of trials per condition to draw. If a single numeric, then each condition will have n trials. Can be a (named) numeric vector with the same length as there are conditions to allow a different number of trials per condition.


numeric larger than 0, indicating how many data sets shall be simulated. If > 1, then it is only effective when specifying lower/upper.

lower, upper

vectors or a list, specifying the simulation space for each parameter of the model (see Details). Only relevant for k > 1


an optional data.frame providing the parameters that should be used for simulating the data. df_prms must provide column names matching with (coef(object, select_unique = TRUE)), plus a column ID that will identify each simulated data set.


a single numeric, an optional seed for reproducible sampling


an integer, indicating if information about the progress should be displayed. 0 -> no information, 1 -> a progress bar. Default is 1. Only effective when k > 1.


The return value depends on whether a user specifies lower/upper or df_prms. If none of these are specified and if k = 1, then a data.frame containing the columns RT, Error, and Cond is returned.

If lower/upper or df_prms are provided, then a list with entries synth_data and prms is returned. The entry synth_data contains a data.frame, with the columns RT, <b_column>, Cond, and ID (the name of the second column, <b_column>, depends on the b_coding of the model object). The entry prms contains a data.frame with an ID column and the parameters used for simulating each synthetic data set.


simulate_data is a generic function for simulating data based on approximate inverse CDF sampling. CDFs are derived from the model's PDFs and data is drawn by mapping samples from a uniform distribution (in \([0, 1]\)) to the values of the CDF. Note that sampled response times will correspond to the values of the time space (i.e., they will correspond to seq(0, t_max, dt), see drift_dm).

For drift_dm objects, the behavior of simulate_data depends on k. If k = 1 and no lower/upper or df_prms arguments are supplied, then the parameters currently set to the model are used to generate the synthetic data. If k > 1, then k parameter combinations are either randomly drawn via simulate_values or gathered from the provided data.frame df_prms, and then data is simulated for each parameter combination.

When specifying lower/upper, parameter combinations are simulated via simulate_values. This comes in handy for simple parameter recovery exercises. If df_prms is specified, then the parameter combinations from this data.frame is used. Note that the column names in df_prms must match with the (unique) parameter combinations of the model (see print(coef(object)))

Details on how to specify lower/upper.

When users want to simulate data with k > 1 and lower/upper, then parameter values have to be drawn. One great aspect about the flex_prms object within each drift_dm model, is that users can easily allow certain parameters to vary freely across conditions. Consequently, the actual number of parameters varies with the settings of the flex_prms object. In many cases, however, the simulation space for a parameter is the same across conditions. For instance, in a model, the parameter "mu" may vary across the conditions "easy", "medium", or "hard", but the lower/upper limits are the same across conditions. To avoid that users always have to re-specify the simulation space via the lower/upper arguments, the lower and upper arguments refer to the parameter labels, and dRiftDM figures out how to map these to all parameters that vary across conditions.

Here is an example: Assume you have the model with parameters "A" and "B", and the conditions "foo" and "bar". Now assume that "A" is allowed to vary for "foo" and "bar". Thus, there are actually three parameters; "A~foo", "A~bar", and "B". dRiftDM, however, can help with this. If we provide lower = c(A = 1, B = 2), upper = c(A = 3, B = 4), simulate_data checks the model, and creates the vectors temp_lower = c(1,1,2) and temp_upper = c(3,3,4) as a basis to simulate the parameters.

Users have three options to specify the simulation space:

  • Plain numeric vectors (not very much recommended). In this case, lower/upper must be sorted in accordance with the free parameters in the flex_prms_obj object (call print(<model>) and have a look at the Unique Parameters output)

  • Named numeric vectors. In this case lower/upper have to provide labels in accordance with the parameters that are considered "free" at least once across conditions.

  • The most flexible way is when lower/upper are lists. In this case, the list requires an entry called "default_values" which specifies the named or plain numeric vectors as above. If the list only contains this entry, then the behavior is as if lower/upper were already numeric vectors. However, the lower/upper lists can also provide entries labeled as specific conditions, which contain named (!) numeric vectors with parameter labels. This will modify the value for the upper/lower parameter space with respect to the specified parameters in the respective condition.


A function for fits_ids_dm will be provided in the future.


# Example 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------
# get a pre-built model for demonstration
a_model <- ratcliff_dm(t_max = 1.5, dx = .005, dt = .005)

# define a lower and upper simulation space
lower <- c(1, 0.4, 0.1)
upper <- c(6, 0.9, 0.5)

# now simulate 5 data sets with each 100 trials
data_prms <- simulate_data(a_model,
  n = 100, k = 5, lower = lower,
  upper = upper, seed = 1, verbose = 0
#>      RT Error Cond ID
#> 1 0.595     0 null  1
#> 2 1.290     0 null  1
#> 3 0.415     0 null  1
#> 4 0.650     0 null  1
#> 5 0.915     0 null  1
#> 6 0.350     0 null  1
#>   ID      muc         b   non_dec
#> 1  1 2.327543 0.8491948 0.1823898
#> 2  2 2.860619 0.8723376 0.1706227
#> 3  3 3.864267 0.7303989 0.3748091
#> 4  4 5.541039 0.7145570 0.2536415
#> 5  5 2.008410 0.4308931 0.4079366

# Example 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------
# more flexibility when defining lists for lower and upper
# get a pre-built model, and allow muc to vary across conditions
a_model <- dmc_dm(t_max = 1.5, dx = .005, dt = .005, instr = "muc ~ ")

# define a lower and upper simulation space
# let muc vary between 2 and 6, but in incomp conditions, let it vary
# between 1 and 4
lower <- list(
  default_values = c(
    muc = 2, b = 0.4, non_dec = 0.1,
    sd_non_dec = 0.01, tau = 0.02, A = 0.05,
    alpha = 3
  incomp = c(muc = 1)
upper <- list(
  default_values = c(
    muc = 6, b = 0.9, non_dec = 0.4,
    sd_non_dec = 0.15, tau = 0.15, A = 0.15,
    alpha = 7
  incomp = c(muc = 4)

data_prms <- simulate_data(a_model,
  n = 100, k = 5, lower = lower,
  upper = upper, seed = 1, verbose = 0
#> [1] 2.806728 5.632831
#> [1] 1.185359 3.834026