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Functions to get or set the "solver" of an object. The "solver" controls the method for deriving the model's first passage time (i.e., its predicted PDFs).


solver(object, ...) <- value

# S3 method for class 'drift_dm'
solver(object, ..., eval_model = FALSE) <- value

solver(object, ...)

# S3 method for class 'drift_dm'
solver(object, ...)

# S3 method for class 'fits_ids_dm'
solver(object, ...)



an object of type drift_dm or fits_ids_dm (see load_fits_ids).


additional arguments (i.e., eval_model).


a single character string, providing the new "solver" (i.e., approach to derive the first passage time; see drift_dm()).


logical, indicating if the model should be re-evaluated or not when updating the solver (see re_evaluate_model). Default is FALSE.


For solve() the string solver (see drift_dm()).

For solver<-() the updated drift_dm object.


solver() is a generic accessor function, and solver<-() is a generic replacement function. The default methods get and set the "solver".

The "solver" indicates the approach with which the PDFs of a model are calculated. Supported options are "kfe" and "im_zero" (method based on the Kolmogorov-Forward-Equation or on integral equations, respectively). Note that "im_zero" is only supported for models that assume a fixed starting point from 0.


There is only a replacement function for drift_dm objects. This is because replacing the approach for deriving PDFs after the model has been fitted (i.e., for a fits_ids_dm object) doesn't make sense.

See also


# get some default model to demonstrate the solver() functions
my_model <- ratcliff_dm()
#> [1] "kfe"
# change to the integral approach
solver(my_model) <- "im_zero"
#> [1] "im_zero"

# accessor method also available for fits_ids_dm objects
# (see estimate_model_ids)
# get an exemplary fits_ids_dm object
fits <- get_example_fits_ids()
#> [1] "kfe"